Public Information Wins Communications Award
GUC’s Public Information Office has won an Excellence in Public Power Communications Award of Merit from APPA.
This year’s win was for a video created to educate customers on how GUC’s electric rates are not only the lowest in Pitt County, but also lower than they were 10 years ago. The video was part of a comprehensive campaign also using ads, social media posts, and media interviews to remind customers of the value of GUC being a community-owned utility.
This is the 13th APPA award that GUC’s Public Information Office has won.
The American Public Power Association is the voice of not-for-profit, community-owned utilities that power 54 million people in 49 states and five territories. APPA advocates and advises on electricity policy, technology, trends, training, and operations.
Water Treatment Plant Employees Receive State Honors
Congratulations are in order for two Water Treatment Plant (WTP) employees who received prestigious state-wide honors this month from the North Carolina Waterworks Operators Association (NCWOA) during its 85th Annual Business Meeting and Awards Luncheon.
Laboratory Analyst of the Year
Brooke Norton, WTP Chemist II, was presented the 2024 NCWOA Laboratory Analyst of the Year Award in appreciation of her outstanding work for GUC and service to the Association.
Each year, the Association recognizes one person who has demonstrated outstanding ability in the field of drinking water analysis, and who has made exceptional achievements and contributions to the field of drinking water analysis and/or drinking water treatment.
Brooke has been with GUC for 16 years as a Chemist. She has gone beyond her certification requirements to hold the highest-level operator certifications. Her experience allows her to use multiple drinking water and wastewater methods that are essential in maintaining laboratory accreditation. She also developed a comprehensive standard operating procedure for bacteriological methods.
“Brooke has used her extensive knowledge and expertise to provide GUC with the highest standards of analysis,” said WTP Facility Manager Julius Patrick. “That work directly translates to our customers receiving the highest quality water possible.”
Brooke is the third Chemist from GUC to receive this award in the last four years.
B-Surface Operator of the Year
Brandon Cox, WTP Operator II, was presented the B-Surface Operator of the Year Award by the NCWOA. This award recognizes an operator who has shown incredible ability, devotion, and technical expertise in the operation of a water treatment facility.
Brandon has been with GUC for two and half years and served as WTP Operator II since August. In a short time, he has earned his B-Surface and C-Well Operator Certification.
Brandon’s previous career in law enforcement gives him certain skills that make for an exceptional operator. Those skills include understanding and implementing safety-first practices, showing attention to detail, utilizing effective communication techniques, and maintaining excellent record keeping habits.
“Brandon shows exemplary work ethic and initiative,” said WTP Facility Manager Julius Patrick. “He is eager to learn, not only about operations, but maintenance projects as well.”
Over the past 20 years, WTP staff has received 14 individual awards for meeting water quality goals and providing the highest quality water to customers through hiring and retaining knowledgeable staff.
Smooth Operators Make International Waves
GUC’s Smooth Operators made us look good once again at the Water Environment Federation Technical Exhibition & Conference (WEFTC), which is the largest international water and wastewater conference of its kind held in North America.
During the first week in October, our Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) Smooth Operators represented GUC and NC One Water (our state member association) at the WEFTEC Operations Challenge. To showcase how wastewater treatment operators and technicians overcome challenges and emergencies, the Water Environment Federation (WEF) developed what is considered the industry’s most rigorous professional development program through the Challenge. This year, a total of 56 teams from around the world competed in the 37th WEFTEC Operations Challenge in New Orleans, LA.
GUC’s Smooth Operators includes Chris Hill, Bryon Orr, Kyle Meeks, Steve Hedgepeth and Adam Garris. They competed against others in five different events: Collections Systems, Laboratory, Process Control, Pump Maintenance, and Safety. Each event is designed to test the diverse skills required for the operations/maintenance of wastewater treatment facilities, collection systems, and laboratories.
Congrats to our team for coming in 1st place for the top Division 1 Collections Systems event. This year, they competed against 11 teams to earn the number one spot! This is the second year they have placed 1st in Collections for Division 1.
“We have a unique group of guys on our team, and I’m really proud of them,” said Team Captain Bryon Orr. “Three years ago, when they announced us as the winners of Division III, they said we were the team to watch out for. The next year, we were announced as the team that has climbed the fastest to Division I. It’s been quite the experience.”

GUC Recognized as a Smart Energy Provider
Greenville Utilities earned the Smart Energy Provider (SEP) designation from the American Public Power Association for demonstrating a commitment to and proficiency in energy efficiency, distributed generation, and environmental initiatives that support the goal of providing safe, reliable, low-cost, and sustainable electric service. The award was presented during APPA’s annual Customer Connections Conference.
The SEP designation, which lasts for three years (December 1, 2024, to November 30, 2027), recognizes public power utilities for demonstrating leading practices in four key disciplines: smart energy program structure; energy efficiency and distributed energy resources programs; environmental and sustainability initiatives; and customer experience. GUC joins roughly 100 public power utilities (out of more than 2,000 nationwide) that holds the SEP designation. This is the third time GUC has earned this distinction.
“SEP-designated utilities have demonstrated their leadership in smart energy programs and services,” said Erin Miller, Vice President of Programs and Sustainability at American Municipal Power, Inc., and Chair of the SEP Review Panel. “This designation celebrates utilities that are committed to serving their customers while taking the extra step to plan for the future. Communities served by utilities that have earned the SEP designation should be proud of their utility’s accomplishments.”
“We are honored to be recognized as a utility at the cutting edge of smart energy best practices,” said John Worrell, Director of Electric Systems. “This SEP designation represents our dedication to offering programs that keep our power affordable, support energy efficiency in our community, and reduce our environmental impact.”
The American Public Power Association is the voice of not-for-profit, community-owned utilities that power 54 million people in 49 states and five territories. APPA advocates and advises on electricity policy, technology, trends, training, and operations.
APGA System Operational Achievement Recognition (SOAR)
The American Public Gas Association (APGA) has presented Greenville Utilities Commission with the prestigious APGA System Operational Achievement Recognition (SOAR) for excellence in operating its natural gas utility.
SOAR recognizes a utility’s demonstrated commitment to excellence in four areas required to safely deliver natural gas to its customers: system integrity, system improvement, employee safety, and workforce development. Greenville Utilities scored 156 out of a possible 158 points for those areas and was selected for SOAR Gold Level by its peers on the APGA Operations and Safety Committee. More details.
ElectriCities Awards of Excellence
For the 19th year in a row, GUC has earned Public Power Awards of Excellence from ElectriCities. Roy Jones, CEO of ElectriCities, presented the awards at the Board of Commissioners’ September 19 meeting. The categories mirror the ElectriCities strategic priorities and include:
- People - Recognizing cities and towns that leverage their people as their greatest asset
- Provide Superior Power - Highlighting communities that deliver reliable, affordable, and sustainable electric power
- Strengthen Public Power - Celebrating communities that build public and political support for public power
“Greenville Utilities and all 17 of this year’s Public Power Awards of Excellence recipients are shining examples of the value of public power,” said Jones. “These outstanding communities prioritize local needs and put their customers first as they develop innovative solutions to provide safe, reliable power with superior service. We’re honored to celebrate GUC, and we’re grateful for all they do to provide value to their customers and the Greenville region.” Find out more.
Safety Record Recognized
Greenville Utilities’ safety record was recognized twice recently.
We received the American Public Power Association’s (APPA) safety award for 2023. This honor recognizes utilities' incident rates and the overall state of their safety programs and culture. APPA uses electric department work hours and number of employees to determine award winners.
GUC is one out of 147 public power utilities to have earned the Safety Award of Excellence for safe operating practices for 2023.
Our safety record was also recognized by ElectriCities with their Municipal Electric Safety Award. We were one of 52 ElectriCities member utilities that had no lost workday cases due to accidents or injuries in 2023.
Reporting on-the-job accidents and injuries is required by OSHA, but it’s not just about record-keeping and awards. The reports provide an opportunity to revisit safe work practices.
GUC Earns RP3 Designation
Greenville Utilities earned the Reliable Public Power Provider (RP3)® Platinum Level designation from the American Public Power Association for providing reliable and safe electric service.
RP3 designation, which lasts for three years, recognizes public power utilities that demonstrate proficiency in four key disciplines: reliability, safety, workforce development, and system improvement. Criteria include sound business practices and a utility-wide commitment to safe and reliable delivery of electricity. GUC is one of 271 public power utilities nationwide that hold the RP3 designation. Greenville Utilities has been recognized with the RP3 designation continuously since 2007.
“We couldn’t be prouder to be honored with this designation,” said John Worrell, Director of Electric Systems. “This is a prestigious recognition of a lot of work from a lot of people who really care about powering our community. We are committed to continuing to look for ways to improve our operations and service to our customers.”
APPA is the voice of not-for-profit, community-owned utilities that power 49 million people in 2,000 towns and cities nationwide. APPA advocates and advises on electricity policy, technology, trends, training, and operations.
GUC Linemen Bring Home State Wins

A team of Electric Department Lineworkers fared well at the 25th Annual North Carolina Association of Municipal Electric Systems (NCAMES) Lineman’s Rodeo. On May 9th, public power teams from around the state convened in Concord, NC, to compete in events that tested their knowledge and ability to perform tasks safely and quickly.
Lineman rodeos involve events for Apprentices (less than four years of experience) and Journeymen (more than four years). GUC's Journeyman team included Oscar Meeks, CJ Forrest, Cole Hartley, and Calvin Whitehead. Competing in the Apprentice division were Carter Gaskins, Holden Stotesbury, Jordan Bradshaw, Jordan Lang, Isaiah Edwards, and Hunter Forrest. Team Coaches were James Forrest and Gavin Smith.
Our team performed well again this year!
In the Apprentice competitions, Carter placed 1st Overall, 1st in Hurtman Rescue, 1st in Load Transfer, and 3rd in Egg Climb. Hunter placed 3rd in Load Transfer, and Jordan placed 5th Overall.
In the Journeyman Division, Oscar placed 5th Overall and 1st in Lightning Arrestor Changeout.
GUC Receives NCDOL Safety Awards

At this year’s Greenville-Pitt Chamber of Commerce annual Safety Luncheon on April 25th, the NC Department of Labor (NCDOL) recognized GUC's efforts to work safely. For one of our departments, this was the 17th consecutive year earning awards at the banquet. In all, we were honored with 13 safety awards.
Gold Level Awards were presented to companies with days away from work, job transfers, or restricted time rates at least 50% below the industry average. Awards at this level went to Wastewater Treatment Plant (17th year), Customer Relations (11th year), Water Treatment Plant (7th year), Express Office (4th year), Administration (3rd year), Administration Building (3rd year), Information Technology (3rd year), Red Banks (1st year), and Human Resources (1st year).
Silver Level Awards were presented to companies with days away from work rates at least 50% below the industry average. Awards at this level went to Finance (1st year), Meter (1st year), Electric (1st year), and GUC as a whole (1st year).
NCDOL's Safety Awards Program was established in 1946 and recognizes private and public firms throughout the state that maintain good safety records.