On Sunday, April 13, Greenville Utilities will begin “Operation Spring Clean,” a preventive maintenance program to ensure that GUC customers continue to receive high quality water. To minimize inconvenience to customers, cleaning will be conducted from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. on Sunday evenings through Friday mornings.
During the 8-week cleaning program, roughly half of the 722 miles of water distribution lines on GUC’s system will be cleaned. Cleaning involves opening fire hydrants and allowing them to flow freely for a short time. The system-wide cleaning program will end June 6.
If you have air or discolored water in your water lines as a result of “Operation Spring Clean,” we recommend turning on the cold water faucet in the bathtub and running the water for 5 to 10 minutes. Although there is no health risk, GUC advises that you avoid washing clothes until the water is clear.
To see when your lines will be flushed, we have provided the interactive map below. Click on your zone for dates. If you do not know which zone is yours, type in your address in the upper right corner of the page and hit the search icon. Once that property is identified, either click on the map next to the circle, or if you click on the circle, then click on the right arrow in the top of the pop-up information box (above the words "Search result").
If you have other questions, you can call us at 252-551-1551.