Water Treatment Excellence Award

The N.C. Division of Water Resources has honored GUC for surpassing federal and state drinking water standards. This is the third time GUC has received the prestigious N.C. Area Wide Optimization Award (AWOP), which is part of a state effort to enhance the performance of surface water treatment facilities.

Electric Department employees brought home trophies from the 57th Annual NCAMES (North Carolina Association of Municipal Electric Systems) Lineman’s Rodeo in Morganton, NC. Public power teams from around the state competed in events that test their knowledge and ability to perform tasks safely and quickly.
In the Apprentice competitions, Overhead Lineworker Jordan Hill brought home the first place trophy for the Hurt Man Rescue. Tree Trimmer Spencer Corey placed fourth in the Rope Toss and fifth in the Sidewalk Guy, while Tree Trimmer Matt Board placed 5th in Hurt Man, and Substation Lineworker Remington Gaskins placed 8th Overall. In the Journeyman Division, Underground Lineworker David Guy placed second Overall by placing third in both the Crossarm Change Out and the Jumper Replacement, and an overall perfect score of 400.
STEM Outreach Award

GUC’s Human Resources Department received the STEM Career Outreach Award from the International Public Management Association for Human Resources in North Carolina (NC- IPMA-HR). HR was recognized for its focus on educating schools and colleges about the diverse set of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) careers that we have at GUC.
ElectriCities Awards
GUC received Awards of Excellence in the following five categories from ElectriCities of North Carolina: Grid Modernization, Wholesale Power Cost, Workforce Development, Value of Public Power, and Continuous Improvement.
NCDOL Safety Awards

The NC Department of Labor (NCDOL) and the Greenville-Pitt Chamber of Commerce recognized GUC’s efforts to work safely. For some of GUC’s departments, this was the eleventh consecutive year earning awards. In all, GUC was honored with 17 safety awards during the NCDOL annual safety banquet.
Outstanding Service Awards

Water Resources Systems Superintendent Troy Perkins received several national and state honors on November 14th from the North Carolina American Water Works Association and the Water Environment Association (NC AWWA-WEA). Troy was inducted into the nationally recognized NC Chapter of Five S Society, which honors those in the wastewater field who have made a particular contribution to the industry. Only a few members are selected each year for membership in this prestigious group. He also received the Donald Francisco Educator of the Year Award and the Arthur Sidney Bedell Award for extraordinary personal service to a member association.
HR Excellence Award
GUC’s Human Resources Department received the Agency Award for Excellence from the International Public Management Association for Human Resources (IPMA-HR). This award was established to recognize the overall quality, accomplishments, and contributions of a human resources program that exceeds the normal operation of a good government human resources program.
Cigna Carolina’s Well-Being Award
The wellness program at Greenville Utilities and the City of Greenville was selected as the Cigna Carolina’s 2017 Well-Being Award recipient. GUC was chosen for its commitment to building a culture of well-being.
Finance Award
The Government Finance Officers’ Association (GFOA) presented Greenville Utilities three awards related to how the Finance Department communicates financial information -- Distinguished Budget Presentation, the Certificate of Excellence for CAFR, and the Award for Outstanding Achievement in Popular Annual Financial Reporting for PAFR.
Project Excellence
GUC received the prestigious Expanding Excellence Finalist Award under the category of Best Customer Information System Implementation from CS Week, an international customer service conference organization serving electric, gas, water, and wastewater utility professionals. This award is designed to acknowledge excellence in utility customer service and serves as recognition for a highly successful CIS project implementation. Nominated projects are evaluated on adherence to budget and schedule, operational efficiency after go-live, innovation, and improved service levels.