Cable Channel 35
Keep an eye on the weather as it's happening on Cable Channel 35.
Temptracker365 is provided through ElectriCities and gives you weather highs and lows. It’s updated daily and you can check out the data from all over the state.
Degree Day Information
For those customers who record the effect of weather on their energy consumption, Greenville Utilities provides accurate degree day information on the Greenville area.
What are degree days?
Degree days are essentially a simplified representation of outside air-temperature data. They are widely used in the energy industry for calculations relating to the effect of outside air temperature on building energy consumption.
"Heating degree days", or "HDD", are a measure of how much (in degrees), and for how long (in days), outside air temperature was lower than a specific "base temperature" (or "balance point"). They are used for calculations relating to the energy consumption required to heat buildings. Essentially, the more heating degree days, the harder your system had to work and the more energy it used to keep you warm.
"Cooling degree days", or "CDD", are a measure of how much (in degrees), and for how long (in days), outside air temperature was higher than a specific base temperature. They are used for calculations relating to the energy consumption required to cool buildings. Essentially, the more cooling degree days, the harder your air conditioning system had to work and the more energy it used to keep you cool.
Our goal is to provide the most accurate information possible. Sometimes data may change, as our validation process reveals discrepancies. The downloads below are Microsoft Excel files: