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Wanda Carr Appointed to GUC Board of Commissioners 

Published on: 08/25/23

The Greenville City Council has appointed Dr. Wanda Carr to the Greenville Utilities Board of Commissioners  

Commissioner Carr is the Business Officer at The Oakwood School Inc. (Pre-K3 thru 12th grade). She is also the owner/operator of Helping Hands Consultant, a consulting firm specializing in tax preparation, accounting, mentoring, and coaching services. 

Dr. Carr earned an AAS in Information System Technology from Martin Community College; a BS in Business Administration/Management from Shaw University; a MBA in Business Administration and a MSA in Accounting from Liberty University; and a DBA in Business Administration from Argosy University. This appointment is her first to a Board or Commission in Greenville. 

“I like to be connected to my community and I like to give back,” said Commissioner Carr. “When [Councilmember] Monica Daniels approached me about serving, I thought this would be a great opportunity to learn something new, give back, and be a voice for the community.”  

Dr. Carr is a native of Bertie County but has lived in Greenville for more than 20 years. She has a daughter, Anassa Thompson, and one granddog, Whoopi.