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US DOT Awards $3.1M Grant to GUC For Pipeline Replacements

Published on: 11/15/24

The United States Department of Transportation’s Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration has awarded Greenville Utilities Commission (GUC) a $3.1M grant to replace aging natural gas pipelines. 

GUC applied for the grant earlier this year to replace 3.23 miles of steel mains and vintage plastic pipes, predominantly in west and north Greenville. This system upgrade improves the safety of GUC’s natural gas pipeline system by replacing aging infrastructure that has reached its useable life with safe, up-to-date materials. This project will also reduce methane emissions and increase reliability.  

“Safety is our top priority, and as infrastructure ages in the natural gas system and the demand for it grows, it is imperative that we take these steps in ensuring all points of the pipeline system remain safe with current, industry-standard materials,” said Assistant Director of Gas Systems Durk Tyson. 

As the demand for safe, reliable natural gas service continues to grow, projects like this are vital. Along with ensuring safety of the system, this project encourages job creation and community investment by building system capacity to accommodate growing existing industry and larger, global industries to relocate within GUC’s service area.  

Planning is now underway to utilize the grant with construction expected to be completed in about three years.