Published on: 12/23/21
Greenville Utilities has seen an increase in reports from customers who are receiving calls from scammers, some of whom are spoofing a Greenville Utilities phone number and ID (making it appear to be Greenville Utilities in the caller ID).
Some of the callers claim that your utilities are about to be cut off if you don’t make a payment right away, a scam that pops up several times per year.
There’s now a round of calls claiming that customers can receive a discount for making payments on time. The caller then starts asking questions to confirm the name on the account, how much they have paid on the last bill, and other personal information.
If you receive a call like either of these, hang up. Greenville Utilities will not call you and threaten to cut off your utilities if you don’t pay right away. GUC will also not call offering a discount and asking for personal information.
Don’t let the Grinch or his henchmen steal your holidays. If you have questions about calls you get claiming they are from GUC, DO NOT give them your personal information or a payment of any kind over the phone. Hang up and call our main number at 252-752-7166 during regular business hours.