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Natural Gas Safety Phone Survey Underway

Published on: 05/22/18

GUC shares safety information with customers on a regular basis. When it comes to natural gas safety, our communications are designed to comply with a federal rule which specifies key messages that need to be communicated. The rule also requires us to evaluate how well our communications are working. One tool GUC uses to measure the effectiveness of our communications is an automated telephone survey.

The company conducting the phone surveys is making “pre-calls” to let people who are randomly selected to participate know that the survey will be taking place starting in a few days and ask for their participation.

If you receive a call, please take a few minutes to provide your answers. At no time will you be asked for any kind of payment or personal information. Your survey responses will help us fine-tune our efforts to ensure the safety of all those who live in Greenville-Pitt County. Thank you for your help.