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GUC Recognized for Hurricane Recovery Assistance 

Published on: 11/22/21

Greenville Utilities has received two national Mutual Aid Commendations from the American Public Power Association (APPA) for providing mutual aid power restoration efforts to the Groton Utilities and Terrebonne Parish Utilities Department in Louisiana. 

In late August, GUC sent 17 employees, along with one employee from ElectriCities, to assist Lafayette Utilities System (LUS) in advance of Hurricane Ida. They worked with LUS in and around Houma, Louisiana, which suffered widespread outages. For approximately three weeks, our crews worked long hours to help both Groton and Terrebonne Parrish repair the electric distribution systems that had been damaged by the hurricane. 

“We are proud of our employees who volunteer to step up and help our fellow public power agencies in a time of need,” said General Manager / CEO Tony Cannon. “We have needed help from other utilities in the past and we know we will again in the future. Helping others when we can, both in and outside of our community, is part of what we do.” 

“Mutual aid is at the heart of what public power does,” said Joy Ditto, APPA President & CEO, “and the public power community thanks you for stepping up to help a neighbor in need—whether they are next door or thousands of miles away.” 

GUC participates in the American Public Power Association’s Mutual Aid Network, which coordinates with utilities and authorities during widespread power outages.