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Greenville Utilities Temporarily Suspending Disconnections for Non-Payment

Published on: 03/18/20

March 18, 2020

Greenville Utilities Commission is taking the spread of COVID-19 very seriously and continues to make adjustments based on our Emergency Management Planguidance from local, State, and Federal agencies, and the situation within our community.  

Due to the growing concern regarding the economic effect this pandemic is having and will be having on our customers, GUC is temporarily suspending all disconnections due to non-payment and will be helping customers who need help work out payment plans on an individual basis. Customers who have received past due notices and will not be able to pay their bill need to call GUC at 252-752-7166 to speak with Customer Service Representative about their specific situation.  

GUC has plans in place to ensure employees will be able to continue to provide reliable, life-sustaining utility solutions throughout this situation.