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Community Outreach Guidelines

Greenville Utilities is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for those we serve by safely providing reliable utility solutions at the lowest reasonable cost, with exceptional customer service in an environmentally responsible manner. 

That commitment goes well beyond supplying safe and reliable utility services to our customers.  As a community-owned, local utility, GUC works to advance the sustainability and prosperity of the Greenville region.

We believe there is nothing more powerful than strong communities, and we welcome opportunities to have a positive and lasting impact on the quality of life for those we serve. 

To that end, GUC will participate in and/or support activities and events that advance both a public purpose and the corporate objectives of Greenville Utilities.

If your organization or group is interested in receiving financial or in-kind support through our Sponsorship Program, please complete and submit the online Community Outreach Request at least 60 days prior to the date of the event or activity. If you prefer, you may download the form and mail to: 

Greenville Utilities Commission
General Manager's Office
P.O. Box 1847
Greenville, NC 27835

Your request will be evaluated based on the details you provide and how closely your request fits with our major initia­tives. It will also be compared to other similar requests to help evaluate best value. Several factors influence funding decisions, including available budget and resources and the benefits to GUC and its customers.


Consistent with GUC’s environmental policies, we will support environmental programs that seek solutions to environmental concerns and protect and preserve our natural resources.

GUC recognizes that education is a foundation for both personal and community growth and supports educational programs of schools (K-12) and institutions of higher learning in Greenville-Pitt County.

We support activities to recruit and retain commercial/industrial customers.

GUC supports local chambers of commerce and economic development organizations, along with their efforts to increase the number and quality of available jobs.

We encourage and support activities/events that advance sustainability and prosperity in Greenville Utilities service area. 

Greenville Utilities CANNOT accept requests for the following:
  • Political organizations or candidates for political office
  • Organizations that discriminate against any group or individual
  • Programs that promote or endorse a specific religious affiliation
  • Activities, organizations or causes which do not advance a public purpose and GUC’s corporate objectives
  • Events where our participation could potentially imply support or opposition to some social, religious, or political cause


Applications will be reviewed monthly. Funding will not be automatically renewed or guaranteed from year to year. All requests will be evaluated by the Community Outreach Committee.
If you have direct questions, you can call 252-551-3392.