Published on: 02/14/22
Greenville Utilities Commission (GUC) joins the inaugural Smart Energy Provider (SEP) Week by showcasing its SEP designation from the American Public Power Association. GUC earned this designation in 2020 for demonstrating a commitment to and proficiency in energy efficiency, distributed generation, and environmental initiatives that support the goal of providing safe, reliable, low-cost, and sustainable electric service.
The SEP designation, which lasts for two years before utilities need to reapply, is held by fewer than 100 of the nation’s more than 2,000 public power utilities nationwide. During SEP Week (Feb. 14-18), designated utilities take the opportunity to shine a light on the “smart” programs that have gone toward earning the designation.
GUC will share social media posts highlighting its efforts through programs like the Beat the Peak, the EV (electric vehicle) charging stations rebates, solar net metering, battery storage project, streetlight replacement, and the Energy Services Office.
“We are proud to be recognized as a utility at the forefront of smart energy best practices,” said John Worrell, Director of Electric Systems. “The SEP designation represents our dedication to offering programs that help our customers save money, reduce our collective environmental impact, and support our community’s responsible energy use.”
Beyond these programs, GUC was also recognized for its commitment to helping the environment through local collaboration projects such as its nitrogen and phosphorous removal conservation easement at the Wastewater Treatment Plant, cleaner-burning natural gas generators, and compressed natural gas (CNG) fueling station. The CNG Fueling Station alone has helped various industries and East Carolina University reduce their truck and bus CO2 emissions by more than 3,980 tons. That’s an approximate 30% reduction in greenhouse gasses versus diesel trucks and busses.
Greenville Utilities is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for those we serve by safely providing reliable utility solutions at the lowest reasonable cost, with exceptional customer service in an environmentally responsible manner.